Love Live! School Idol Musical
In the Kansai region, there are two schools located in the Hyogo and Osaka prefectures. One, Takizakura Girls' Academy in Osaka, was successfully branded through the success of the entertainment course selection idol club, while the other, Tsubakisakuhana Girls' High School in Hyogo, is an old-fashioned preparatory school. When two girls, who are daughters of the presidents of these two opposing schools, meet through idol activities, a big change is born in the small world that surrounds them. Searching for something more important than an already important promise... "The story of a School Idol Project that everyone makes come true" begins upon a brand-new stage. School Idols, let's start now!!
Stars: Marina Horiuchi, Nanami Asai, Rina Koyama, Julia An, Minami Sato, Aono Yuki
Crew: Hajime Yatate (Original Concept), Sakurako Kimino (Original Story), Kouki Kishimoto (Director), Kouki Kishimoto (Screenplay), Kouki Kishimoto (Choreographer), Ryota Kojima (Original Music Composer)
Country: Japan
Language: 日本語
Studio: Project Love Live! School Idol Musical, Bandai Namco Filmworks, Bandai Namco Music Live, ARCS International
Runtime: 150 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Jan 25, 2023
IMDb: 10