The story takes place in a hilly village on the Kerala-Tamil Nadu border. The story is about a strict police officer who relocates there and the subsequent events that turn his and many other's lives upside down associated with that police station. Few normal incidents happen in the village, and some from the past suddenly appear to be abnormal. The secrets slowly start unfolding.
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Thriller
Stars: Asif Ali, Renji Panicker, Baburaj, Jaffer Idukki, Hannah Reji Koshy, Adam Ayub
Crew: Sinoy Joseph (Sound Designer), Listin Stephen (Producer), K R Krishna Kumar (Writer), Ratheesh Vijayan (Makeup Artist), Alwin Antony (Producer), Tony MAGMYTH (Visual Effects Editor)
Country: India
Language: , தமிழ்
Studio: Ananya Films, Magic Frames
Runtime: 151 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Nov 04, 2022
IMDb: 4.2