"The Three Musketeers" is 1973 animated TV movie from Hanna Barbera that is a remake of their own 1968 cartoon of the same name. In this film, the queen consort of France is falsely accused by Cardinal Richelieu of being involved in a plot to overthrow her husband, the king of France. The king's musketeers, Athos, Porthos, Aramis and a new recruit named D'Artagnan, attempt to solve the situation.
Genre: Action, Adventure, Animation, Family, TV Movie
Stars: James Condon, Neil Fitzpatrick, Barbara Frawley, Ron Haddrick, Jane Harders, Richard Meikle
Crew: Warwick Gilbert (Animation), Joseph Barbera (Director), William Hanna (Director), Alexandre Dumas (Writer), Draper Lewis (Writer)
Country: United States of America
Language: English
Studio: Hanna-Barbera Productions
Runtime: 50 minutes
Quality: HD
Released: Nov 23, 1973
IMDb: 5.2