High school student Hiiragi Seiichi is bullied by his classmates for being a "loser." One day, his entire school is suddenly transported to a video game-like world of swords and sorcery. When he accidentally eats "the Fruit of Evolution," his life as a successful "winner" begins.
Genre: Animation, Comedy, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Stars: Hiro Shimono, Kana Hanazawa, Marina Inoue, Tetsu Inada, Yuka Nishio
Crew: Yuki Saito, Hiroyasu Yano, Alisa Okehazama, Shigeru Fukase, Hisashi Muramatsu, Nobuhide Hayashi
Country: JP
Studio: TV Tokyo
Runtime: 24:14 minutes
Quality: HD
First air date: Oct 05, 2021
Last air date: Apr 01, 2023
Episode: 24 Episode
Season: 2 Season
IMDb: 3.5